The Weekend Tally

Tipsters: J, Brandy, Denise, Lisa, Ileana, Laura, Chris, NV, Alaina, kayla, Sara

The Weekend Tally

Tipsters: LiveJournal Office, BuyMeACoke, Enoch, gaetan, OfficeFanAtWork, Sarah, Heather, joyray

The Monday Morning Tally

I don’t usually post Tallies the first of the week, but the next few days are a bit busy for me, and I’m not sure when I’ll be back …

An assortment of Office-related tidbits sent in by OT readers:

Tipsters: Cousin Mose, Dan C, Steve, Ben, Michelle, Dan O, Gretchen

HollywoodPressTV talks to Creed Bratton

A new entertainment site called HollywoodPressTV launched this week, and executive producer and host Steve Patterson writes:

… included in our premiere is an exclusive sit-down interview with Creed Bratton from The Office. The interview was a ton of fun …he was great. The best part — part of the interview was done with Creed in character … priceless.

See parts one and two of Creed’s interview here — find the videos in the right column.

That quirky, wacky Creed.

Warning: A tad NSFW for some slight profanity.