1. LMAO. Thanks for this. I love Rainn and Angela actually quoting lines from that awful Rosie O’Donnell tv movie from a few years back.

  2. Oh. Em. Gee.

    The profanity-laced ditty at the end was too great. Plus, I love that Rainn is wearing that ugly purple coat thing. It just makes me love him more for his poor fashion choices.

  3. Rangela seems a lot more different than Dwangela.

    Funny interview. Will this be on the season 3 DVD? Just kidding. Still ticked that I still haven’t gotten my copy of the deluxe edition. The Target in my area is a pain.

  4. That was awesome! I am a huge fan of “Ghostbusters,” so I almost started squealing when he mentioned it (even though I’m pretty sure he was making fun of it). Great interview!!

  5. I think I liked Rangela a whole lot better than Dwangela. They were half way flirty in between their funniness…at least I can imagine they were! Very funny and totally awesome!

  6. Angela is sooo freakin’ cute when she smiles!! Such a difference from her character. ADORable.

  7. Something about the way Angela says “Yes” and then shakes her head when Rainn asks her if she has seen the Season 3 DVD yet made me giggle and snort. And I watched it work. And got funny looks from people.

  8. This made me laugh incredibly hard (twss) – stuff like this needs to be on the dvds, too! Too. Funny. Totally made my day.

  9. They are awesome! You can see the great dynamic between the two of them! So cute, I just love them!!

  10. I know Rainn was joking, but he seemed a little harsh to me…which I also noticed on the DVD commentaries. I hope he’s kidding around and not really as mean as he seems.

  11. Ya, Jenny, I’m kind of with you. At the very end Angela call him a collosal ______. Is that just joking too? Or did she feel the way I did about what he was saying? (I’m not always good at reading insults/jokes.)

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