1. Woah. Michael jacketless on the roof of a Vance Refrigeration Truck? This will be a great year.

  2. Either Ryan is trying to get a peek down Pam’s blouse or he’s recoiling in horror from whatever escaped Dwigt’s desk and is laying next to Pam’s desk, Pam being blissfully unaware.

  3. I know this is the unpopular opinion, but I’ve really warmed up to Ryan and Pam possibly being a couple, especially since last season. Of course this will never happen, but a girl can hope. :-) Still love Jim and Pam, though.

  4. I think that Ryan and Meredith are trying to figure out if Pam is pregnant…they’d probably overheard some “Gossip” in the office.

  5. does anybody know whether the season premiere will be an hour or 30 minutes as usual?

  6. i couldn’t agree more with Sally: Ryan and Pam all the way:) I simply cannot wait what next season has in store for them!

  7. Punky, I was thinking the same thing(: Ohh, this is going to be a great season, I can feel it!

  8. When Michael is on the top of a truck and everyone’s staring at Pam, you know it will be a good episode. lol.

  9. I love the picture of Michael and Creed- they both look so happy! I want in on that conversation.

  10. In the Vance Refrigeration truck photo, what is Michael holding that has put Andy in such a state?! Haha!

    I’m so excited! Won’t be long now — two weeks from tomorrow. W00T!

  11. I must say, Pam looks absolutely STUNNING in these photos! The season premiere is going to take my breath away :)

  12. Yeah, I think Ryan’s looking to see if Pam is preggers.

    I’m glad to see more people liking Ryan. He never gets enough love.

  13. I *love* Ryan! I agree too.. looking for baby bulge.. or a visit from the bosom fairy.

    [from tanster: bosom fairy, lol!]

  14. NotABadDay – What is Michael holding that has put Andy in such a state?

    I think it’s a movie camera. Maybe? And when Michael gets a movie camera in his hands, something terribly awful (and most likely hilarious) has got to happen. Way too excited for my own good!

  15. There are seriously other people besides myself that love the idea of Ryan/Pam? Wow. Mind.is.blown.

    The new episodes can’t get here fast enough, I am so excited for this new season. If Pam and Jim do indeed try and hide the pregnancy for a while, it’s going to make for some amazing/hilarious scenes.

  16. Yowza! Check out Erin – cute! And I’m so glad Ryan is back to having the dark hair.

    These episode photos have me soooo ready for the start of the season!

  17. Is it just me, or did Dwight drastically change during the transition from season 4 to 5? Still excited about the premiere, I think this season is going to be great!

  18. Michael and Creed are going to have a conversation – I’m already sold on the episode based on that alone…

    I think the season premiere is just a half-hour, but is maybe the fourth episode an hour-long? I think it’s kind of better if they have hour-longs when it makes sense to do it from a storyline perspective, rather than just because it’s the first or last episode.

  19. Na, it looks like Ryan and Dwight are looking at something together, whereas with Pam, it looks like he and Meredith are trying to see if she’s pregnant.

    And Erin looks so pretty.

  20. i almost forgot that jim, pam and dwight have the desk trifecta this year. that has so much potential for hilarity i can barely stand it!

  21. huh…the idea of ryan and pam together…
    here’s what i think of that:

    In the words of pam (season 4):
    “I now find you…repulsive…”

    except i’m not being sarcastic.
    seriously guys. ew.

    jim and pam all the way!

  22. i’m so excited and can’t wait!! the anticipation of the season premiere is honestly the only thing getting me by these days… sept. 17 ftw!!

  23. I am sooo psyched! Ryan looks very attractive (he switched back to dark hair! Yay!) And boy is Michael tan!

  24. I think Erin is (successfully) stealing Pam’s spot as the most attractive girl in the office. Also, it’s good to see Ryan taking himself seriously again.

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