Tori’s Review: Business School

Before I start this review, I must make a confession.

I’ve never seen Firefly or Serenity. I’ve watched one episode of Buffy and maybe five episodes of Angel. I’m ashamed. I’m naked before you. But, now that I have admitted it, I vow to rent Firefly A.S.A.P. I want a brown coat like the other cool kids. (Did I get that wrong?)

I’m confessing this sin, of course, because Joss Whedon directed this week’s episode of The Office. I’ve read it was a coincidence this episode featured a rogue bat and Vampire!Jim, but I think it was just a sign it was meant to be.

I thought this was a fantastic episode. Michael was a lovable lunatic, we got great character moments, and — it had a bat! What is that?

Continue reading “Tori’s Review: Business School”

From Baylor to the office

The Baylor University Lariat speaks to alumna Angela Kinsey:

This season, if the whole cast can’t get together, Kinsey watches the show with her husband, Warren, or with Jenna Fischer, who plays Pam on the show.

“We are like a family,” she said. “We are very close. We love each other. We make each other laugh. I think it is the best job any of us have ever had.”

Despite her newfound success and fame in the seemingly far away land of Los Angeles, Kinsey has stayed true to her Baylor roots.

“I loved my time at Baylor,” she said. “It was everything I thought college should be.”

Link: From a Baylor Classroom to the hit The Office

Quickie Valentine card giveaway

Man, I am such a loser.

I bought a package of The Office Valentine cards but didn’t get a chance to send any of them in time for yesterday!

My folly is your gain.

I am giving away all eight cards (I’ll insert each card/envelope into a second mailing envelope, so the card and original envelope are left blank for you to use).

Update: This giveaway is now CLOSED. See comments marked [tanster] for winners. Thanks for playing!

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